Getucated – General knowledge: The new knowledge app

At the beginning of the year, a new educational app was launched: “getucated – general knowledge in history, philosophy and culture”.


The app provides a broad base of knowledge, ranging from ancient times to the 21st century.

The idea came to Ulrike Walter, the woman behind getucated, while she was lecturing at a university in Frankfurt am Main: “Most students are ambitious in their specialist areas, but in many cases they also want a broader perspective that goes beyond their chosen field of study. However, there is hardly any time for this given the time devoted to collecting credits for bachelor’s and master’s degree programs.” With this in mind, it dawned on Ulrike Walter to provide the most important elements of general knowledge in the form of an app offering a quick way to study.

An IT agency was given the task of creating a software program.

The focus here was to include only the most important facts, developments and relationships in short and simple texts. There are no excessive or complex sentences that require explanation with getucated. Reducing things to the essentials is what makes getucated different from the usual specialist literature and most research results delivered by search engines.

More than 500 images illustrate the texts. Thanks to smartphone technology, it is possible to scroll vertically through a topic from ancient times to the 21st century – or from topic to topic by moving horizontally along the timeline. Which literary works were created in the period of the two world wars? How did painters deal with these great tragedies? What technological achievements and philosophical opinions existed back then?

Of course, it is not only university students who stand to benefit from getucated. For teenagers at school, especially those in high school, the app makes it possible to look at a large part of the curriculum in a broader context and to understand it better. At the same time, getucated is suitable for anyone who is interested in education: you can learn a little more about world events and score points in small talk and debates without having to tackle challenging specialist literature at the outset.

Buy getucated, get easily educated! (3.99 EUR App Store and Google Play)


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