A school day in Rwanda

Looking to the wider world with: Pauline Bakashaza, 19 years old, Grade 12 , from Kigali, Rwanda


What school do you attend?

My school is called the Lycée de Kigali, a co-educational secondary school with 1,456 students in total.

What languages do you speak in lessons?

The lessons are taught in French and English. I also speak Kinyarwanda.

You and the other girls at your school all have short hair. Is it just a coincidence?

No, we have to wear our hair short so that we don’t spend too much time playing with it and get distracted. We are also banned from wearing make-up at school and we all wear a school uniform.

What is your favourite subject?

Maths and PE, especially basketball. I used to play basketball in my spare time, but I don’t have enough time any more, I’m afraid. I became head girl in May 2015, which means I act as an intermediary be-tween the students and the school authorities. If a student has a problem, they can come to me, and I will relay the message to the school authorities.

Is there a subject you really don’t like?

Actually there isn’t, because you can choose the subjects you like in sixth form – and that’s what I did.

Do you use a computer at school?

Yes, alongside maths and physics, we also have computer sciences as a subject in sixth form.

What do you want to be later in life?

I want to be an IT programmer. And I want to have four children. I want to be someone who never has to ask for handouts, but who works for everything themselves.

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A school day in France

Looking to the wider world with: Sophie Falzon, 10 years old, Grade 4, from Manosque in South of France